Curriculum Area Tutors | BTI - Bethlehem Tertiary Institute
BTI are advertising a number of Curriculum Area Tutors (CAT) to provide their Graduate Diploma of Teaching (Secondary) students with teaching in curriculum areas, according to their subject areas of training. The contract per curriculum area tutor is for 30 online teaching hours and 30 preparation hours for the duration of semester 1 and 2, 2022.
A number of positions have been filled already, but are still looking to fill positions in Health, PE or Digital Technology.
As a CAT you will be part of a relational and collaborative team committed to empowering student teachers to grow and develop in their areas of curriculum specialisation. In this role you will be supported with appropriate digital resources and PLD opportunities.
As a contracted CAT, you will engage with BTI's mission and values. You will have experience, knowledge and skills in your curriculum area, and be keen to lead and innovate creative curriculum-focused teaching and learning.
Applicants are welcomed from anywhere in Aotearoa, as the work for all the positions will be conducted virtually.
You will have:
- An alignment with BTI's Christian mission and values
- A commitment to Te Tirit o Waitang and what it means for an integrated bi-cultural and culturally sustaining practice.
- Ability to use digital tools to work effectively and ethically in an online environment
- Current curriculum and practice knowledge, including:
- Effective and responsive planning, pedagogy and practice
- Assessment connections and requirements
- Current NCEA requirements
- Connection to relevant guiding principles and documentation, including the New Zealand Curriculum, our code/our standards, tātaiako and tapasā
- Digital and online teaching
- Developments in localised curriculum
Please contact Lindsay Fish - CAT Co-ordinator, for a full job description.