The NZACS Constitution

Article 1 – NAME

This organisation shall be known as “The NZ Association for Christian Schools”.

Article 2 – BASIS

We confess the Scriptures of the Old and New Testaments to be the only written Word of God, the supreme and infallible rule of faith and life, indispensable and determinative for our knowledge of God, of ourselves and the rest of creation, and for the whole educational task.


  • There is one God eternally existent in three persons, Father, Son and Holy Spirit, being the same in nature, equal in power and glory, and worthy of equal honour, obedience and worship.
  • This one God is Creator of heaven and earth and of all things visible and invisible, and sustains and rules over all His creation, including man, in perfect wisdom and power.
  • Man was created in the image of God and was given authority and responsibility to rule over Creation for the praise and delight of his Maker.
  • In the whole of his life man either serves God, or a substitute of his own imagination. Education therefore is never neutral, but unfolds in obedience or disobedience to the Lord.
  • Man, through unbelief and disobedience, has fallen into sin and brought God’s wrath and curse upon himself and the rest of Creation. He is therefore separated from God and blinded to the goodness of God, and to the source, meaning and purpose of life.
  • Jesus Christ, the incarnate Son of God, is the Mediator whom the Father sent to redeem and to reconcile the world to Himself, and the Lord to whom the Father has given all power and authority to give light and life to people lost in sin and death.
  • The substitutionary death and bodily resurrection of Jesus Christ are the only ground of forgiveness of sin, of regeneration and of fellowship with God. God’s purposes for our world will culminate with Christ’s certain return.
  • The knowledge of God, of His Word and of Creation results from the work of the Holy Spirit in man’s heart.
  • The education of children is the responsibility of parents under God who must ensure their training is in the nurture and admonition of God. Christian Schools have the task of helping parents educate their children, and therefore employ Christian teachers who seek to shape their entire teaching practice on the basis of the Bible, call on children to exercise faith in Christ and seek to equip them with knowledge and skill that will enable them to honour and serve Him in all their work and endeavour.

Article 3 – AIMS

The aims of the New Zealand Association for Christian Schools are to further the interests of Christian schooling by:

  • Providing high quality support to member schools.
  • Providing schools with professional development based on a Christian worldview.
  • Providing effective leadership development.

Article 4 – MEMBERSHIP

Section 1. Full Membership

Full Membership of the New Zealand Association for Christian Schools is limited to those who are in agreement with this constitution, contribute their annual membership fees and fall into one of the following categories:

  1. Christian Schools.
  2. Christian Organisations seeking to set up, or assist the work of Christian Schools.

Note: The Association may assist with membership fees under the following circumstances:

  1. For new Christian Schools.
  2. Where a school is struggling to make its annual contribution but has, in the past, shown a commitment to contributing its annual membership fees.

Section 2. Associate Membership

  1. Associate membership of the New Zealand Association for Christian Schools shall be open to those in agreement with the constitution and the various aims of the Association and who contribute their annual membership fees, but who do not fall into the various categories mentioned under Article 4, Section 1.
  2. The Executive may nominate for free life Associate membership persons who have sacrificially served member schools.
  3. An Associate member shall not be eligible to vote.

Section 3. Admission to Membership

Full and Associate membership shall be granted by the Association upon receipt of the appropriate form indicating full agreement with the constitution and agreement to pay annual membership fees.
Section 4. 

New Membership

The Executive has power to admit provisional applications from schools or organisations as per Article 4, Sections 1 and 2, where such are received prior to a meeting of the Association. The Executive is to notify regional co-ordinators of the same. At the Annual General Meeting authentication of the new school’s Biblical perspective is required in support of their application before full/associate membership of the Association can be given.

Article 5 – STRUCTURE

Section 1. Full and Associate members shall delegate representatives to the meetings of the Association. A school is entitled to one delegate for a roll of up to 300 students, two delegates for a roll of 301 to 600 students and three delegates for a roll of more than 600 students.

Section 2. Each full member represented shall have one vote per delegate in attendance.

Section 3. The Executive of the Association shall comprise five members elected from groups having full membership. The Executive may second one additional member for up to one year.

Section 4. The five members shall be elected and may serve for a three year term. The Executive may recommend to the membership that an Executive member should remain on the Executive for a fourth year. At the completion of their designated term the members shall retire, but may offer themselves for re-election.

Section 5. The Executive shall appoint from its membership, at the meeting following each AGM, a Chairperson and a Deputy Chairperson, and shall meet three or four times a year to carry out the business of the Association.


Section 1. It is the duty of the Executive to carry on the business of the Association, to keep the various associations informed of progress and developments through their representatives to the Executive committee, to notify the members of the time and venue of the AGM and promote the aims of the Association.

Section 2. The Executive may delegate duties and functions to a paid administrator as required.


Section 1. The Chairperson will preside at all meetings of the Executive and of the Association and endorse the provisions of the constitution.

Section 2. The Deputy Chairperson shall assist the Chairperson whenever necessary in the discharge of their duties. In the absence of the Chairperson, the Deputy Chairperson shall take their place.

Section 3. The Administrator is responsible for carrying out the decisions made by the Executive.

Section 4. The Administrator will manage Association’s funds within the Association's annual budget and the law of New Zealand. All funds received will be deposited in the name of the Association at a bank approved by the Association and no disbursements shall be made except by internet banking authorised by two of the Association's approved signatories. The Executive will report the financial position of the Association at the annual meeting.

Section 5. A chartered accountant will be contracted to review the annual financial statements of the Association.


Section 1. Member groups may present their proposals, resolutions and amendments to the annual meeting of the Association.

Section 2. This constitution may be amended by a 75% vote at any annual or special meeting of the Association, provided that six months notice has been sent to each full member stating the desired change, provided however that no amendment shall be made which would enable any part of the funds held by the Association (whether income or capital) to be used for purposes which are not charitable according to the law of New Zealand.

Article 9 - FINANCES

Section 1. The annual membership fee shall be determined by the Association.

Section 2. All funds including capital, profits or other income including donations of the Association shall be applied solely in the promoting of the objectives set out in Article 3 of this Constitution and no portion shall be paid or transferred directly or indirectly by way of dividend or bonus or otherwise howsoever by way of profit to members of the Association or the Executive provided however that:

  1. Members of the Association or the Executive will be reimbursed for reasonable expenses incurred (meeting fees exclusive);
  2. Any income, benefit or advantage must be used to advance the charitible purposes of the organisation
  3. The Executive may pay reasonable remuneration to any external contractor in return for services actually rendered to the Executive or the Association
  4. No member of the organisation, or anyone associated with a member, is allowed to take part in, or influence any decision made by the organisation in respect of payments to, or on behalf of, the member or associated person of any income, benefit or advantage
  5. Any payments made to a member of the organisation, or person associated with a member, must be for goods or services that advance the charitable purpose and must be reasonable and relative to payments that would be made between unrelated parties

Section 3. The Executive will determine the hours and remuneration of the Administrator.

Section 4. The fiscal year shall be from 1st January to 31st December.

Article 10 – FUNDS

The disbursement of all funds other than for the day to day running of the Association shall be decided by the Executive.

Article 11 – DISBANDMENT

In the event of a disbandment of the Association, funds on hand after liquidation of all assets and discharge of all obligations will be donated to any incorporated body established for similar charitable purposes to those fulfilling the aims of the Assocation.


The Association has the power to interpret this constitution, all rules and regulations within it when the interpretation is in question.


Upon the adoption of this constitution as amended by the Association it shall go into effect immediately.

Initially adopted at the Annual Meeting of the Association on Saturday 21 April 1979, and most recently amended at the Annual General Meeting of the Association on 15 April 2016.