NZACS Strategic Plan

The aims of the New Zealand Association for Christian Schools are to further the interests of Christian schooling by:
  • Providing high quality support to member schools
  • Providing schools with professional development based on a Christian worldview
  • Providing effective leadership development

NZACS Strategic Plan 2020-2023

Strategy 1. Relationships

To build strategic educational connections and relationships for the support of schools through the following means:

  • Support regional coordinators
  • Develop ACSI connection
  • Build relationships with organisations that may mutually be beneficial to NZACS and its member schools (CSA, CEN, proprietorships, APIS, AIS, Kahui Ako, Oati, CECEAA and others as appropriate)

Strategy 2. Professional Development

To offer or promote professional development through the likes of conferences, regional PLD and online material, in support of:

  • Leaders (current, aspirational and those new to Christian education)
  • Teachers (current and those new to Christian education)
  • School Boards and Boards of Trustees

Strategy 3. Resources

To source or develop and provide resources that support Christian education to flourish within Aotearoa New Zealand through:

  • Pilot projects such as supporting bi-cultural understanding and leadership development
  • Building relationships with organisations that could provide resources to all schools (see strategic aim 1)

Strategy 4. Promotion

To promote Christian education in the wider community for the purposes of:

  • Increased pupil numbers in Christian schools
  • Attracting existing and training Christian teachers into Christian education
  • Attracting existing Christian leaders into Christian education
  • Increasing the articulation of the value of Christian education